I’m Awesome! A Conversation with Jamie York

Jamie York - Christina Talks Podcast

In this episode Christina talks to Jamie York, a serial entrepreneur and mentor. They talk about marketing, mind-set, money and more. Listen in for a conversation full of tips, strategies and little bit of banter! KEY TAKEAWAYS Jamie has been in business for a decade, most of his current businesses are in property. The property…

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Each year in January Christina likes to go back and revisit her competitor analysis. In January, everyone is looking at their marketing strategy, setting goals and revisiting platforms. By doing your competitor analysis in January you can get a really good benchmark on what your competitors think they should be doing. Listen in to Christina…

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Lousin Mehrabi & The Art of True Negotiation

Lousin Mehrabi - Christina Talks Podcast

Today Christina talks to Lousin Mehrabi, a professional negotiator working for AND, an international agency dealing with complex negotiation. In this episode they talk in depth about negotiation and how this works in both business and our personal lives. They also talk about emotional intelligence, fear and intuition. KEY TAKEAWAYS Everyone negotiates all day every…

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XMAS Message!

A Christmas message from Christina! Before we all take a break, Christina wants to leave you with some ‘Christmas food for thought’ and to remind you to reflect on all the fantastic things you have achieved this past year. KEY TAKEAWAYS Christina is not very prepared for Christmas this year – a big contrast to…

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What Do You Find Sexy? Interview with John Scotcher

John Scotcher - Christina Talks Podcast

Today Christina talks to John Scotcher, a web developer who runs his own business. They talk about business, writing, creativity, ways of working and more. A fun and informative episode. KEY TAKEAWAYS John started his business in 1999. He has built over a thousand websites in his time! Being ‘locked down’ has actually made Christina…

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Let’s Talk About Accountability!

Today Christina talks all about accountability! Christina has been working with an accountability partner and it has been working so well for her she really wants to share it with you all. Anyone who is an entrepreneur, business owner or who works in marketing can immeasurably benefit from the tips in today podcast, not to…

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An Elite Mindset – Interview with Fran Halsall

Fran Halsall - Christina Talks Podcast

Today Christina interviews Fran Halsall, a recruiter but also a previous Olympic athlete in swimming! They talk about mindset, swimming, competition and more. An inspiring and perspective challenging episode. KEY TAKEAWAYS Fran is one of the fastest female swimmers on the planet! From a child she knew she wanted to be an Olympian. At the…

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Reconnect With What You’re in the Business of Doing

Today Christina proudly admits she has a lot going on in her head so is treating us to a ‘mind-dump’ episode. It’s time to reconnect, reflect and re-evaluate! KEY TAKEAWAYS There is a force out there that is sending a lot of positive energy to Christina right now and for this she is incredibly grateful…

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Don’t Be Alone – Christina is Interviewed by Paul Green

Today the shoe is on the other foot! It is Christina being interviewed by Paul Green, a friend of hers who also runs networking community group ‘The Business Community’. Paul asked Christina if she would be interviewed by him for his Spotlight Series, the questions he asks her are far more about her development and…

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Lockdown 2.0!

Today Christina moves away from the marketing heavy focus of the past few episodes and talks about the second lockdown in England.  She talks about the differences between this lockdown and the previous lockdown, the impact personally and her thoughts around what she can do about the situation. KEY TAKEAWAYS Christina doesn’t think this second…

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