Recruiting Marketing Congress Virtual Event!

A while ago Christina had an idea of running an event for recruiters and marketing and as a creative and business owner she finds it incredibly difficult to forget about the many great concepts and ideas she comes up with so had to make it happen! She wanted to create something a bit quirky that…

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Social Media Marketing with Julia Kermode

Julia Kermode - Christina Talks

Today roles are reversed and Christina is interviewed by Julia Kermode. Christina talks about some top level social media marketing strategies and tips for new business owners in this shorter but impactful episode. KEY TAKEAWAYS In the modern world, marketing is about enabling conversations to happen and this is what Christina’s firm focus on Many…

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Speaker Line Ups & Diversity

Someone Christina is connected with businesswise posted on social media around a speaker line-up. The speaker line-up was ‘stale, male and pale’. Christina couldn’t get this situation out of her head so wanted to relay her thoughts to you all on her podcast. KEY TAKEAWAYS Christina hopes to ask this person she is talking about…

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It’s Not Magic, It’s Common Sense: Christina Interviews Ian Cairns on Stocks, Shares, Investing and Redditors!

Ian Cairns - Christina talks podcast

Over the last few weeks, there have been many news stories around investing, stocks, the Robin Hood app, and Redditors. Christina wouldn’t ordinarily delve into the world of ‘newsjacking topical’ subjects, but she happens to know Ian Cairns! Ian is extremely knowledgeable in these areas, so Christina wanted to interview him to share his thoughts.…

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Structure is Everything

In this episode, Christina talks about structure. Christina loves a spreadsheet and is quite systematic and believes structure is everything. Creating structure allows you to organise your thoughts and get from A-B without it being a painful process. KEY TAKEAWAYS Christina talks and works with structure in her work and it makes her wonder why…

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Coaching and Accountability with Cheryl Peel

Cheryl Peel - Christina Talks Podcast

It’s incredible how much your world can grow even when you are in a situation where you can’t go out and see people like you normally would. Christina ‘met’ Cheryl Peel in lockdown and today they talk about life events, coaching and all about accountability. KEY TAKEAWAYS Cheryl is a coach who supports people who…

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Influencer Status

In this episode, Christina talks and reflects about being called an influencer within the marketing world. KEY TAKEAWAYS Christina being called as an influencer has been a little bit of an in joke in the home! In all seriousness though, Christina wants to be a thought leader and the ‘go to’ person for her market…

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