Coaching and Accountability with Cheryl Peel

08 Feb 2021

Cheryl Peel - Christina Talks Podcast

It’s incredible how much your world can grow even when you are in a situation where you can’t go out and see people like you normally would. Christina ‘met’ Cheryl Peel in lockdown and today they talk about life events, coaching and all about accountability.


Cheryl is a coach who supports people who have been challenged by a change event to move back into confidence. Cheryl has walked this path herself, she has experienced a lot of challenging life events that have got her to the point she is at today.

Every change process is different, some elements may be similar but there is a spectrum and some are much more difficult and stretching.

Cheryl supported her brother through major health challenges including a double lung transplant and in doing this really started to realise and understand the importance of health professionals. She made a choice to get healthy herself, she hadn’t ever considered her health in this way before.

In 2019 Cheryl was diagnosed with two types of breast cancer. She dealt with the diagnosis so well the dr. asked if she would help coach others on the experience as well as do a podcast!

Whilst Cheryl was on a trip in the UK her brother went missing back in Australia. It devastatingly transpired that he died after struggling to breathe at home and was taken by paramedics.

Cheryl believes that strong people need just as much support as everyone else, but, they often don’t get it as people see them as being able to ‘get on with it’ as they are perceived as superhuman. This is why she focuses on people that are considered ‘strong’.

It can be difficult to recognise when you need to ask for help and support. But being able to means that you will be able to heal, as well as ‘show up’ better than if you were simply just trying to cope. It will make you a better version of yourself.

Accountability is an important step to grow. The higher you get the less people are there to call you out. Very few individuals will call you on your b******t when ‘the buck stops with you’.

When Cheryl is approached by someone who wants her as an accountability partner she ensures she has a full understanding of what that individual is about, their expectations and to what point can she hold them accountable.

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