Influencer Status

01 Feb 2021

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In this episode, Christina talks and reflects about being called an influencer within the marketing world.


Christina being called as an influencer has been a little bit of an in joke in the home!

In all seriousness though, Christina wants to be a thought leader and the ‘go to’ person for her market when it comes to her products and delivering her service.

Christina will never call herself an influencer in the same way she won’t call herself an expert. It’s a tag for other people to call and assign to her.

People have come to Christina before making purchasing decisions which is one of the markers of an influencer.

Christina is very knowledgeable and this is a key indicator of an influencer, she also has a relationship with her quality audience. But she is not too sure that she is in a position to influence others, she says it’s about other people’s perception of her.

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