Wendy McDougall of Firefish Software on Being Different & Making the Difference

30 Aug 2020

Wendy McDougall - Christina Talks Podcast

In this episode, Christina is talking with Wendy McDougall of Firefish Software who are a prominent force within the recruitment world.

They discuss how Firefish has grown, what being a successful business owner means and what you need to do to be a great recruiter who is able to offer their clients exactly what they want.

This is a great opportunity to hear about what it’s like to be successful in the recruitment space and flourish even when the market is challenging.


Recruitment is where it starts and it’s about where you as a business position yourself.

Simplify everything and make sure your values are embedded in everything you do.

Relinquishing control is part of a shift in mindset that comes when your company begins to be able to move forward without you having to do everything yourself.

If you are a business owner it can be a lonely place to be.

It’s a choice you make to be the leader and you have to accept what comes with that.

Whatever the market place is doing, do something different.

You have to be committed to trying new things.

So many people think they are the only person doing what they do.

Essentially all recruiters are doing the same thing the only difference is the approach to the honesty.

You find candidates, you find companies and make a good match how you do that and how its packaged is what makes the difference.

It’s about understanding that what we do is about matching the best customer with the best individual.

It’s about how we earn the trust that makes the difference.

Recruitment is not about an instant result it’s all about the long term gain.

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