Lead With Value (Customers Buy ‘Trust’)

30 Aug 2020

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Christina reflects on the importance of creating great content and leading with value if you want to build the trust and relationships needed to ultimately bring the sales you want for your business.

To be seen as an expert in your field and for people to know this, you must share

value and content that demonstrates this in an easily accessible social media space. Christina explains exactly how anyone can get started effectively sharing content and value and why consistency and showing up when you say you will is key.

Find out how If you are prepared to look for opportunities to share and lead with value and content then you will always have something to say.


You need to start by creating content that you have ownership of such as a blog or videos

Lead with value and create posts that are going to help your client to solve their problems

The end goal is always to make money but if people are going to buy from you it’s because they have a level of trust in you.

In service lead businesses the decision to buy is driven by the relationships formed and the level of trust created.

To gain trust you have to be seen as the expert in your field.

You need to be able to demonstrate through your content that you have a level of expertise and knowledge.

It’s so important that you give away all your secrets because the more you can educate and help people to understand what they are buying the more value they will give to it.

You have to be prepared to answer the responses, being present and being there is vital for engagement

You have to have a plan for consistency and be committed to continuing.

If all you talk about is selling then you will very quickly run out of things to say but if you lead with value there are always new things to talk about.

Always look for opportunities to share content.

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