We All Have the Ability to Design the Life We Want: Financial Freedom, Mindset and Entrepreneurship – Speaking with Jessen James

29 Nov 2021

EP48 - Jessen James - WEBSITE

“If you’re not growing your dying, you’ve got life in you, you’ve got soul in you, who says you can’t take over the world”

Jessen James gained financial freedom at just 31 and was a millionaire 2 years later. Listen in to this episode to hear Jessen and Christina delve deep into Jessen’s journey to entrepreneurship, why he has such passion for people and how we all have the capability to create impact and change in not just our own life, but each other’s too.


Jessen grew up in East London, his parents always worked hard and provided the best they could but they were far from being rich. Jess felt like he stuck out as he was not only bullied for having hand me downs and cheaper clothes but also because of the colour of his skin. Sadly at the time he resented his parents, he realises now that they were doing the best they could but it sparked that desire of wanting more and being resourceful. He started his first business at 11 years old.

A big turning point in Jess’ entrepreneurial career was when he was 15. He walked into a phone shop and convinced the owner to let him sell accessories at school to his peers. They sold extremely but he only got a small cut, at the time he was unhappy but he understands now that the shop owner was taking the risk and creating the supply.

Jess went on to study at university but it wasn’t for him. He got a job in a locked psychiatric hospital. At just 19 this was incredibly difficult but it made him discover how much compassion and love he had for other human beings. He wanted to become a psychiatric nurse and so that’s what he did and qualified in 2004 and worked in the private sector, going onto becoming the youngest ward manager in the UK.

As a ward manager in the private sector he was given sales targets. He made a lot of money but in the recession, was let go which he found challenging at the time but now realises it was meant to happen. It made him want to work for himself so he then launched his own healthcare company. When he found the business was bringing him too much stress, he put systems and people in place so he could be more hands off. It then led him to being financial free at 31 and Millionaire soon after at 33.

There is poverty on our own doorstep in the UK. It made Jess want to do something to help, this is what made him start the group Billion Lives Change. He wanted to use his experience and knowledge in mental health to help people during lockdown and it has only grown since then.

Community is so important. No matter what you do for a living or what stage you are at in your life, you need support with other people outside of your immediate friends and family.

Give yourself permission to live a life your business funds. So many entrepreneurs don’t let go of their business due to guilt, imposter syndrome or anxiety. But what is it all for if you can’t live the life you want? You don’t need to feel guilt, anyone has the choice to create the life they want.

Jessen’s mission in life is all about creating impact in others’ lives and helping them in any way he can. The world needs more people like Jessen, it’s a blessing to have this drive and although there are downsides, he wouldn’t change who he is for the world. He wants to and needs to share the gifts and blessings he has been given.

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