Utilising Tech in Your Business and The Future of AI in Recruitment with ‘The Tech Guy’ Stephen O’Donnell

10 Jul 2023

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Fellow podcaster Stephen O’Donnell has been in the world of recruitment for 36 years, including owning and running recruitment agencies before building a website and branching out into the technology side! He joins Christina to talk a little about his personal journey and why he has such a passion for utilising tech in recruitment. Stephen also talks about the role of AI as well as outlines the red flags to watch out for in tech!


People often play down their expertise, especially in the UK. You need to recognise where your expertise lies and then share that with others.

Stephen was drawn to the tech side of recruitment out of pure curiosity and then discovered his unique talent for it.

Some tech can be utilised for almost instant results, but some take time to work, such as things that focus on marketing.

There is some promising AI in recruitment right now, including tech where the system is learning from both candidates’ and recruiters’ behaviour and experience and matches them accordingly

When you are looking at recruiting someone you don’t just look at who they are and what they can achieve today but what you expect to get from them in the future and technology is exactly the same.

Bear in mind which apps your customers will use, what you prefer to use or think is in favour might not be what your ideal client uses. You don’t want to spend time and money developing your product onto apps they will never use or convert on.

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