The Importance of Personal Development – Speaking with Construction Industry Expert Richard Stone

18 Jan 2022

CT Stone

Christina and Richard Stone met at a business mastermind and after learning how many things Richard had a passion for in his life, Christina wanted to bring him onto the podcast. Richard owns and runs a building contract business, is a property developer, podcaster, public speaker, a mentor and a coach!  They have a great conversation all about personal development, the need for diversity in the construction industry as well as the power of seeking therapy.


Richard spends 30+ hours a week on personal development. It’s something he is passionate about but came across quite late in his career after being headhunted. He now believes that everyone always has more to learn and preaches the importance of mindset.

Counselling is still not commonly talked about and discussed in the UK. Yet it can, and does, truly transform peoples lives. Richard has mentored and coached people that have gone on to run large and very successful companies yet his proudest moment was when he put up a social media video about why he had started seeing a counsellor. He helped many people that day reach out and do the same.

People have a need to fit in and be accepted but a lot of this is based around our own personal trauma and needs. If we worry about what others think of us then we won’t ask the difficult questions or reach out of our comfort zones to achieve the best we’re capable of.

You don’t need to know about building work to run a construction company, Richard believes what is actually important is that you know about people.

There is a real lack of diversity in the construction industry, this can’t continue. Richard is trying to change this by going into schools and educating young people about the construction industry as well as helping them recognise and realise their potential.

Recruitment at the moment is a candidate driven market. There are a lot of skill shortages in many industries, especially construction. It is increasingly difficult for employers to get the quality candidates they desperately need.

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