Making Your Passion Your Business – Interview with Susan Rose

06 Sep 2020

Susan Rose - Christina Talks Podcast

Christina is with Susan Rose whose passion and business is the creation of beautiful bone china items.

They discuss why and how understanding what you are good at and having the right people around you can positively impact on your business along with how Susan Rose China began as a hobby business and successfully scaled.

Susan shares both her journey and great advice on how to take your passion from a hobby business to one that’s significant within its niche market.


Bone china is a niche market but it’s vital that English bone china makers are able to continue to share their skills creating beautiful items.

I’m passionate about English bone china and it’s important that want people to know about its quality and environmental positives.

As we have grown our market has changed from 80% retail and 20% corporate to 20% retail and 80% corporate.

There was a switch from it being a hobby business to a business that was scaling and growing.

Every business requires extremely hard work and everyone makes mistakes but try to use those situations as opportunities.

Ask yourself what can I do better, what can I change?

It’s not about the situation it’s how you respond to it, learn from it and use the opportunities.

It’s important to understand that if someone else can do it you can too.

We recently moved all our work to Stoke and this changed the business because we are now central to expertise and skills in bone china production.

It’s important to have the right people around you.

My hard work and passion has brought me into contact with people who have wanted to help me.

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