Highs And Lows of Owning a Business!

13 Sep 2020

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Are you doing your best and being your best?

Christina reflects on the last year for her business, both the highs and the lows. It’s vital to have a group of people who can support you when things are not going well but you also need to recognise the importance of celebrating the wins along the way.

As a business owner it’s important to reflect on how you deal with both the successes and challenges in your business and if you are rushing past the wins is this an indicator that you are in danger of being overwhelmed?

Recognising the highs and the lows is about sharing with others and Christina offers great content in this episode on how you can achieve this.


You need someone to share with when you are not OK

You need people who can advise and help you to rationalise your thoughts to move forward.

You need to recognise when you need the help of others.

If you have an issue it can affect you and you need to be able to reach out.

Managing the highs can be a challenge in a different way to the challenge of the lows.

You can be over-focused on pushing forward and not stop to celebrate the wins.

It’s important to look for the overwhelm indicators – if you aren’t celebrating the wins it may be a sign of overload.

Look out for the overwhelm and make contact with someone.

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