What Are You & Your Business Blind to? (You NEED to Know)

27 Sep 2020

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What are you blind to in your business? What is it you are not seeing?

Christina has thought about this and reflected on it multiple time and wasn’t able to see what she was missing, until she finally realised – it was now so obvious!

Find out how to tap into your blind spots when you tune in today.


Christina was on a call with one of her mentors and had a revelation about the next steps she needed to take in her business. It was a pivotal moment.

It might not be a problem but actually a missed opportunity that you are blind to.

You can be ‘too close’ to your business, so close that you can’t see what is staring you right in the face. It’s can also be too easy to be comfortable and make excuses for things.

The number one job a client needs to do before Christina and her team start to work with them is to take another look at their website – your website needs to communicate what you actually do.

You need to tap into opportunities. Yes, be known, be liked and be trusted but then take the next step and be proactive!

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