Speaking with Phil Burgess

19 Jul 2021

EP42 - Phil Burgess

In this episode, Christina speaks to Phil Burgess. Phil has been working in the I.T industry for 27 years, has a keen interest in personal development, business acquisition and runs his own successful podcast the I.T Career Energizer!

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The speed and range of change in the technology world since Phil started his career has been vast. There are things we are reliant on now such as streaming and smart phones that hadn’t even been considered in the 1990’s.

Phil started the I.T Career Energizer podcast 4 years ago and recently published his 300th episode! Phil follows a formulaic approach to his podcast which keeps it structured but brings out some incredible stories and information from his guests.

The world of work has changed in many ways over the past few decades but one major way is how people progress their careers. It used to be that you would join a company and work your wat up. Now people transform their careers and progress by moving companies.

Success and what it looks like is very individual. Some people are driven by money but many individuals aren’t. It’s so important that recruiters and businesses recognise this in the modern world.

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